

喜万年(广州)照明有限公司 | 总经理
专业领域: 行业组织专家评委
个人简介: 喜万年SYLVANIA采购总经理,从事照明行业16年以上,拥有在OSRAM 5年研发经验,熟悉国内照明行业供应链资源,对欧洲、拉美、亚太照明市场有深刻的认识和理解
企业简介: Built on over a century’s expertise in lamps and luminaires, Sylvania is a leading provider of consumer, professional and architectural lighting solutions. Not only do we design, manufacture and install lighting solutions, we push the boundaries of technology and strive to innovate in everything we do.

Our mission is to ‘Light your world’ with thousands of products & services and an expertise in energy-efficient, LED and IoT connected solutions which can save money in the long term. Our products and solutions are used in a wide range of applications, including Logistics & Industry, Office, Retail, Hospitality, Museums & Galleries, Education and Residential & Consumer. All over the world, people rely on our product ranges – including Start, Concord and YourHome – for quality solutions to suit their lighting needs.

We are a very agile business and pride ourselves on saying ‘yes’ when our competitors may say ‘no’, meaning we can produce bespoke solutions tailored to our customers’ individual needs. We also offer flexible finance solutions such as Logic Smart Financing, which allows businesses to make energy savings with no up-front capital investment.

Sylvania is the leading brand of the Feilo Sylvania Group which has headquarters in Budapest, Hungary, as well as innovation and solution centres in 25 countries worldwide. The Feilo Sylvania Group is ultimately owned by Shanghai Feilo Acoustics Co., Ltd, which was founded in 1984 and is China’s first joint-stock company (SH 600651).