

香港多媒體設計協會 | 主席、互動媒體藝術家
专业领域: 行业组织专家评委
个人简介: 楊景欣先生從事藝術設計超過 18年經驗,參與多項公、私營及設計項目; 並曾在 2013 年為香港旅遊發展局的中秋特備節目"綵燈大觀園"作音樂及燈光製作統籌。楊氏更參與多項展覽策劃及科技藝術體驗和教育工作並為文化創作策劃及推動多媒體體驗不遺餘力。 楊氏畢業於加拿大約克大學並取得碩士學位, 現為香港科技大學研究生 及香港大學專業進修學院[媒體、文化及創意研究副學士]及[公共關係及企業傳訊高級文憑課程]學術委員會委員, 並致力推動藝術與科技融合。他曾任燈光設計師及藝術行政項目經理並通過籌辦多項多媒體設計, 娛樂節目及藝術活動 推動本港多媒體界的發展。 自 2015 年 11 月起,楊氏擔任香港多媒體設計協會行政主席。香港多媒體設計協會致力舉辦本地及海外不同類別的多媒體工作坊、互動媒體活動、多媒體創作比 賽、課程、實習計劃、文化交流活動與多媒體藝術展覽及項目等推動青年及業界發展。

Mr. Aska Yeung has more than 18 years of experience in multimedia design industry and participated in a number of public, private and design projects. In 2013, he was commissioned by the Hong Kong Tourism Board as the supplier of music and lighting design for the Mid-Autumn Special Programme "Lantern Wonderland". Continuously, he also passionate to curate event and exhibition to deliver Art-Tech experience to audience. Nevertheless, he continuous to develop creative cultural heritage through experience design with multimedia technologies. He also acts as external committee member for the Academic Committee in Associate of Arts in Media, Cultural and Creative Studies and Higher Diploma in Public Relations and Corporate Communications programme in the University of Hong Kong (HKUSPACE). Mr. Aska Yeung graduated from York University in Canada with a master's degree. Currently, he is a research PHD candidate in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and dedicated to encourage the integration of art and technology. He has worked as a lighting designer and an art executive project manager and has worked on a number of multimedia design, entertainment programmes and arts events to promote the development of the multimedia industry in Hong Kong. Since November 2015, he has served as the executive chairman of the Hong Kong Multimedia Design Association. The Hong Kong Multimedia Design Association is committed to promoting the development of youth and the industry by organising various local and overseas multimedia workshops, interactive media events, multimedia creation competitions, courses, internship programmes, cultural exchange activities and multimedia art exhibitions and projects.
企业简介: 香港多媒體設計協會是一個推動多媒體科技與藝術發展的非牟利組織。協會致力舉辦本地及海外不同類別的多媒體科技與藝術工作坊、互動媒體藝術活動、多媒體科技與藝術創作比賽、數碼藝術課程、科藝實習計劃、藝術文化交流活動與多媒體藝術展覽及項目等推動青年科技與藝術及業界發展。
目標旨在搭建多媒體藝術界別平台並透過策辦各類型藝術活動, 將多媒體藝術、娛樂及設計科技融入各大社區;讓多媒體科技帶動文化藝術傳承及藝術科技發展, 促進粵港澳台及國際多媒體藝術科技業界交流及發展,增加社會對多媒體藝術科技技術的應用及普及化, 推動香港多媒體藝術科技傳承文化發展。

Hong Kong Multimedia Design Association (HKMMDA) is a platform aims to empower the growth of the multimedia design industry and bridging the experience with youth design lovers by mentoring and expanding the community.?
We are a group of industry media specialists across sectors that pending our next generation to growth and contribute to the Hong Kong multimedia industry. And hence, we believe that we can share our experience and knowledge systematically and sustainably with other peoples through forming a better community for our designers.