

智能灯带 Intelligent Lighting Belt

发布时间:2021/3/17 16:58:20





深圳市铎恩照明有限公司成立于2009年,是一家专业生产高品质LED商业照明系列的高科技企业。主营产品包括:LED面板灯,LED平板灯,LED灯管,LED灯条,LED天花灯,LED吸顶灯,LED筒灯,LED泛光灯,LED工矿灯等LED照明产品的研发、生产和销售。公司产品广泛应用于城市亮化、家庭、工业照明等场所,出口份额达总销售额的80%,遍及全世界一百多个国家,受到国内外业界的一致好评。 公司拥有先进的生产设备,检测仪器和生产技术,聚集了一批具有多年专业技术和管理经验的员工队伍;并导入ISO9001质量管理体系,我们将不断地完善质量管理体系,并发挥最大的效能、专业化的生产流程,为节能产品品质稳定和产品性价比的不断提升提供了有力保证。 公司秉承着"创新、奉献、卓越、协作"的企业精神,不断发展壮大,并将以更加饱满的激情和精益求精的产品质量竭诚为广大用户提供优质完善的LED节能产品及服务。 SHENZHEN DAWN LIGHTING CO.,LTD ., established in 2009, is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the production of high-quality LED commercial lighting series. Main products include: R&D, production and sales of LED lighting products such as LED panel lamps, LED flat lamps, LED tubes, LED strips, LED ceiling lamps, LED downlights, LED floodlights, LED mining lamps, etc. Companys products are widely used in urban lighting, home lighting, industrial lighting and other places, with export share reaching 80% of total sales, covering more than 100 ries all over the world, and being highly praised by domestic and foreign industries. The company has advanced production equipment, testing instruments and production technology, and has gathered a group of employees with many years of professional technology and management experience; And introduce ISO9001 quality management system, we will constantly improve the quality management system, and give full play to the most efficient and professional production process, which provides a strong guarantee for the stable quality of energy-saving products and the continuous improvement of product cost performance. Adhering to the enterprise spirit of "Innovation, Dedication, Excellence and Cooperation", the company will continue to grow and develop, and will wholeheartedly provide high-quality and perfect LED energy-saving products and services for the vast number of users with more passion and better product quality.
深圳市铎恩照明有限公司成立于2009年,是一家专业生产高品质LED商业照明系列的高科技企业。主营产品包括:LED面板灯,LED平板灯,LED灯管,LED灯条,LED天花灯,LED吸顶灯,LED筒灯,LED泛光灯,LED工矿灯等LED照明产品的研发、生产和销售。公司产品广泛应用于城市亮化、家庭、工业照明等场所,出口份额达总销售额的80%,遍及全世界一百多个国家,受到国内外业界的一致好评。 公司拥有先进的生产设备,检测仪器和生产技术,聚集了一批具有多年专业技术和管理经验的员工队伍;并导入ISO9001质量管理体系,我们将不断地完善质量管理体系,并发挥最大的效能、专业化的生产流程,为节能产品品质稳定和产品性价比的不断提升提供了有力保证。 公司秉承着"创新、奉献、卓越、协作"的企业精神,不断发展壮大,并将以更加饱满的激情和精益求精的产品质量竭诚为广大用户提供优质完善的LED节能产品及服务。 SHENZHEN DAWN LIGHTING CO.,LTD ., established in 2009, is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the production of high-quality LED commercial lighting series. Main products include: R&D, production and sales of LED lighting products such as LED panel lamps, LED flat lamps, LED tubes, LED strips, LED ceiling lamps, LED downlights, LED floodlights, LED mining lamps, etc. Companys products are widely used in urban lighting, home lighting, industrial lighting and other places, with export share reaching 80% of total sales, covering more than 100 ries all over the world, and being highly praised by domestic and foreign industries. The company has advanced production equipment, testing instruments and production technology, and has gathered a group of employees with many years of professional technology and management experience; And introduce ISO9001 quality management system, we will constantly improve the quality management system, and give full play to the most efficient and professional production process, which provides a strong guarantee for the stable quality of energy-saving products and the continuous improvement of product cost performance. Adhering to the enterprise spirit of "Innovation, Dedication, Excellence and Cooperation", the company will continue to grow and develop, and will wholeheartedly provide high-quality and perfect LED energy-saving products and services for the vast number of users with more passion and better product quality.
LED超薄面板灯DL-P6012AW-54W 1.侧光源发光,LED通过高透光率的导光板后形成一种非常均匀的平面发光效果,光线均匀、明亮、柔和、舒适不刺眼;超高亮贴片LED光源,发光角度大,比普通日光灯节能70%以上; 2.面板灯侧边发光加上良好的散热结构设计,使热量迅速导出,外壳温升<20度,有效延长整灯的寿命,光源平均寿命≥ 50,000 小时; 3.超轻超薄,安装方便, 嵌入式安装替代相同规格的天花格栅灯或天花板,与天花板融为一体;或吸入式安装在墙上或天花顶上;或吊装在天花顶上,使用空间灵活; 4.面板灯采用外置隔离式高PF值恒流稳压电源,瞬间启动,无眩光,无噪音,无RF干扰; 5.独特的电路设计,避免单颗LED损坏而导致其他灯珠不亮; 6.面板灯密封性好,不易灰尘昆虫混入,高显色指数,色泽鲜艳,能很好还原物体本色;外观简洁,精美高档,可作艺术装饰欣赏; 可应用在墙壁当墙灯或作为艺术广告的背光源等; 7.已通过认证: CE, RoHS, TUV, SAA; COB灯条DL-COB576-24v FCOB 灯带相较于传统灯带的优势:相较于常规贴片式柔性灯带,FCOB 无光斑柔性灯带优势突出,点亮后可以实现裸眼无光斑效果,以及密集连续的发光效果,具有较好的视觉体验。 市面上常规的贴片灯带 1.市面上的无光斑灯带使用 LED 贴片灯珠作为光源,受限于灯珠封装尺寸和发光角度(120°左右)的限制,点亮后难以实现真正意义上的裸眼无光斑效果。 2.贴片灯珠内 LED 晶片的散热路径较长,需要通过支架功能区扩散到支架引脚,再通过引脚扩散到锡膏,最后才扩散到基板上,从而影响灯带的散热性能。 3.制造工艺复杂,时效性低,需要先封装灯珠,再将灯珠贴合在灯带基板上。 全新 FCOB 倒装柔性灯带 1、散热效果佳——公司的无光斑柔性灯带使用倒装 LED 晶片通过锡膏直接固定在灯带基板上,缩短了散热路径,LED 晶片发出的热通过锡膏扩散到基板上,同功率同基板厚度情况下,散热效果优于常规无光斑灯带。 2、LED 晶片数量大大少于常规灯带的灯珠数量,性价比优势突出——由于没有碗杯,晶片发出的光线全部通过晶片表面覆盖的弧形荧光胶体和基板表面涂覆的高反射油墨折射出去,从而实现视觉最大 180°发光,在同等连续发光效果情况下,我司灯带使用 LED 晶片数量大大少于常规灯带的灯珠数量。 3、晶片直接固定在基板上,简化制造工艺——去除照明端灯珠电阻贴片工艺,通过固晶机直接将 LED 倒装晶片和电阻直接固定在基板上,时效性高。 4、可实现密集连续的发光效果——由于倒装晶片尺寸远远小于 LED灯珠,在同等长度同等宽度的基板上,可以布下更多数量的倒装晶片,实现更为密集连续的发光效果。 LED防水软灯条DL-FLS5050-60D 1.常规5米/卷,60灯/米,功率19.2W/米,发光角度120°,发光均匀; 2.采用双面优质高导电柔性线路FPC,板材三色可选:白板,黄板或黑板; 高灵活性,可随意弯曲及任意固定在凹凸表面; 3.产品轻、薄,背贴为强粘性进口3M双面胶,非常适合在窄小的空间里面安装; 4.低电压直流12V,24V供电,安全可靠性高; 5.产品可裁剪,12V时,3灯/组可裁剪;24V时,6灯/组可裁剪; 6.产品具有耗电小、产生热量小、无眩光,耐冲击,寿命长,免维护等特点; 7.两灯间距为17mm; 8.多种光色可选:暖白、白光、自然白、RGB、红、黄、蓝、绿、橙、紫光等; 9.包装方式:防静电防潮包装; 10.认证:CE、RoHS。