

驱动控制 Driving control

发布时间:2021/3/19 16:21:44


企业英文名称:Dialog Semiconductor



1.iW380 and iW388 are high performance DC/DC controller/regulator for SSL 2.High Dimming resolution, 0.0625% resolution, 0% ~ 2.100%, stable Iout dim down to 0.0625% 3.Input voltage: 20V to 75V 4.Output voltage: 5V to 95% Vin, or configurable OVP thresholds 5.Power: up to 150W for iW380; up to 40W for iW388 1.iW380和iW388 是用于固态照明(SSL)的高性能DC/DC 控制器/调节器 2.高调光分辨率,0.0625%分辨率,0% ~ 100%,稳定的Iout 调光低至0.0625% 3.输入电压:20V至75V 4.输出电压:5V至95% Vin,或可配置的OVP阈值 5.功率:iW380最高150W;iW388最高40W Two Packages: SOIC10 and SO10-BW 两种封装:SOIC10和SO10-BW Flexible option and setting to match with different LED output requirements 灵活的选项和设置以匹配不同的LED输出要求
Dialog半导体公司是推动物联网和工业4.0应用发展的领先标准和定制集成电路(IC)供应商。Dialog提供电池和电源管理、低功耗蓝牙(BLE)、Wi-Fi、闪存、可配置混合信号IC、先进通信IC和工业边缘计算等经市场验证的产品技术,帮助客户产品提升功率效率、缩短充电时间,并不断提高性能和生产效率。 Dialog采用无晶圆厂运营模式,作为雇主积极承担社会责任,开展各项活动造福员工、社区、其他相关利益方和自然环境。凭借数十年的技术经验和世界领先的创新实力,我们帮助设备制造商引领未来。我们对技术创新的热情和创业精神使我们始终在高能效半导体技术领域保持领先地位,助力物联网、移动、工业、通信、企业、智慧医疗和汽车市场的发展。Dialog半导体公司总部位于英国伦敦附近,在全球设有销售、研发和市场营销办事处。2019年,Dialog实现了约14亿美元营业收入,并一直是发展最快的欧洲上市半导体公司之一。目前,公司在全球约有2300名员工。公司在德国法兰克福(FWB: DLG)证券交易所上市(Regulated Market, Prime Standard, ISIN GB0059822006)。 了解更多详情,敬请访问公司官网:www.dialog-semiconductor.com。 Dialog Semiconductor is a leading standard and custom integrated circuit (IC) supplier that promotes the development of IoT and Industry 4.0 applications. Dialog provides market-proven product technologies such as battery and power management, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Wi-Fi, flash memory, configurable mixed-signal IC, advanced communication IC, and industrial edge computing to help customers’ products improve power efficiency and shorten Charging time, and continuously improve performance and production efficiency. Dialog adopts a fabless operation model and actively assumes social responsibilities as an employer, carrying out various activities to benefit employees, communities, other stakeholders and the natural environment. With decades of technical experience and world-leading innovation strength, we help equipment manufacturers lead the future. Our enthusiasm for technological innovation and entrepreneurial spirit have enabled us to maintain a leading position in the field of energy-efficient semiconductor technology, helping the development of the Internet of Things, mobile, industrial, communications, enterprise, smart medical and automotive markets. Dialog Semiconductor is headquartered near London, England, with sales, R&D and marketing offices around the world. In 2019, Dialog achieved approximately $1.4 billion in operating income and has been one of the fastest-growing European listed semiconductor companies. Currently, the company has approximately 2,300 employees worldwide. The company is listed on the Frankfurt (FWB: DLG) Stock Exchange (Regulated Market, Prime Standard, ISIN GB0059822006). For more details, please visit the companys official website: www.dialog-semiconductor.com.
1)iW380/iW388 LED照明高分辨率真DC调光: 根据HIS报告显示,全球用于商业应用的智能和联网照明市场从2017年的61亿美元增长到了2018年的72亿美元。该市场预计将以21%的复合年增长率(CAGR)增长,到2022年将达到约210亿美元。全球住宅照明应用市场在2018年达到了18亿美元,而街道照明应用市场则达到6亿美元。随着全球LED产能达到峰值,过去两年来LED照明组件供应商的竞争有所放缓。IHS预测,在未来五到十年中,普通照明产品的增长将保持平稳,但LED照明产品有望实现令人鼓舞的增长,尤其是随着智能照明系统的商业化。 2)技术创新: High dimming resolution @ 0.0625% Truce DC dimming 高调光分辨率@ 0.0625% 真正的DC调光 实际运用案例 iW3677 + iW380 + iW350 Dialog can provide a high performance Total solution for Commercial lighting iW3677 PFC AC/DC Flyback PWM controller iW380 High Performance DC/DC iW350 0-10V interface iW3677 + iW380 + iW350 Dialog可以为商业照明应用提供高性能的整体解决方案 iW3677 PFC AC/DC反激式PWM控制器 iW380 高性能DC/DC iW350 0-10V接口
1、产品名称:iW380/iW388 LED照明高分辨率真DC调光 ; 型号:iW380/iW388 ; 产品特点:真正的DC调光: 真正的DC调光vs PWM调光 一般人的眼睛看不到PWM调光所产生的闪烁,但这并不意味着它对你没有任何影响。有些人对此闪烁较为敏感。这类人群如果长时间暴露在这种PWM调光产生的闪烁中,会导致眼睛疲劳、头痛和偏头痛,尤其是当环境光线较低时。 ; 产品参数:非常宽的Vout范围,支持 >> 1:2 (5V至95% Vin) 两个Dim引脚:Iout % = Dim1 % * Dim2 % 0.0625%分辨率,0% ~ 100%,稳定的Iout 调光低至0.0625% 无纹波调光(真正的DC调光),具有关灯模式 ;
