

智慧建筑 Smart buildings

发布时间:2024/2/20 13:03:43


申报品牌名称(英文): Tridonic

我们是高效照明解决方案的提供者。我们为合作伙伴和客户提供智能、可持续的照明系统。 关于我们发展的数据和事实 我们是奥德堡集团的一家下属企业,1956 年成立于奥地利多恩比恩。60 多年来,我们一直是专业照明解决方案开发的推动力。 今天,锐高是世界领先的专业照明技术供应商,其产品广泛应用于办公楼、零售店、酒店和餐馆、教育行业以及户外照明领域。 We are a provider of efficient lighting solutions. We support our partners and customers with smart, sustainable lighting systems. Facts and figures about our development We are a Zumtobel Group company, founded in 1956 in Dornbirn, Austria. For more than 60 years, we have been a driving force in the development of professional lighting solutions. Today, Tridonic is a world-leading provider of lighting technology for professional applications, including office buildings, and retail outlets, hotels and restaurants, the education industry and outdoor lighting sectors.

锐高的照明组件产品是世界上第一家电子公司的荣获Cradle to Cradle Certified?白银级证书。我们的LLE, QLE, CLE LED模组成功地满足了C2C Certified?白银级产品标准的严格要求,将这些LED光源作为可靠的、可回收的、负责任的产品提供给照明行业。

Tridonic provides high quality LED drivers, LED modules, emergency lighting devices and lighting control system solutions for retail, hotel and catering, office and education, outdoor and industrial applications.

Tridonic's lighting component products are the first electronics company in the world to receive the Silver Certificate from Cradle to Cradle Certified?. Our LLE, QLE, CLE LED modules successfully meet the rigorous requirements of the C2C Certified? Silver standard, offering these LED light sources to the lighting industry as reliable, recyclable, and responsible products.


作为创新照明组件和系统的专业企业,Tridonic 确信智能照明将在物联网中发挥决定性的作用。由于灯具和传感器密集间隔,因此照明可构成建筑内的无线或有线主干网、轻松连接所有智能设备,甚至其本身就可成为 IT 基础设施的一部分。锐高可提供有线(DALI 2)及无线(蓝牙Mesh, Matter)混合接入方式,针对不同应用和要求的正确控制解决方案。从针对单个灯具的简单且经济高效的解决方案,到整个建筑物的系统解决方案,它充满了高度的灵活性、舒适性、幸福感和安全性。

As a specialist in innovative lighting components and systems, Tridonic is convinced that smart lighting will use a decisive role in the Internet of Things. Because luminaires and sensors are densely spaced, lighting can form a wireless or wired backbone within a building, easily connect all smart devices, or even become part of the IT infrastructure itself. Tridonic can provide wired (DALI 2) and wireless (Bluetooth Mesh, Matter) hybrid access, the right control solutions for different applications and requirements. From simple and cost-effective solutions for individual luminaires to system solutions for entire buildings, it is filled with a high degree of flexibility, comfort, happiness and safety.
占地150,000平方米,拥有1,200名员工, 每年接待超过340,000名患者——位于米兰的圣安布罗乔加莱亚齐医院的新IRCC(住院和科学护理研究所)是矫形外科、心血管疾病、神经外科和研究领域的卓越中心。
从建筑到高科技设备,这座建筑都符合可持续发展和功能性的最新标准。这家私立医院荣获2019年CNETO最佳项目奖,并成为梦寐以求的LEED v4 GOLD可持续发展认证的候选者,绝非浪得虚名。
在这所未来的医院中,锐高使用了210个sceneCOM evo DA2 LED控制器监控和控制总计16,000个可调光灯具,此外还集成了6,000个传感器和2,500个调光开关。灯具可根据所需的照明特性和自然光调整匹配调光水平,从而实现经济、可持续的照明效果。通过照明控制系统,每个灯具都与楼宇管理系统相连。这样,医院的设施管理部门就能有针对性地监测和控制能源消耗。

Ospedale Galeazzi Sant’Ambrogio, Milan, Italy
With an area of 150,000 square meters, a staff of 1,200 and more than 340,000 patients a year, the new IRCCS (Institute of Hospitalisation and Scientific Care) Ospedale Galeazzi Sant’Ambrogio in Milan is a centre of excellence for orthopaedics, cardiovascular diseases, neurosurgery and research.

The building meets the latest standards of sustainability and functionality in every aspect from its architecture to its high-tech equipment. Hardly surprising then that in 2019 this private hospital received the CNETO Award for Best Project and is a candidate for the coveted LEED v4 GOLD sustainability certification.

Intelligent light control based on available daylight is a key component of the hospital’s sustainability strategy – and a major contributor to the well-being of patients.

210 sceneCOM evo DA2 LED controllers, 6000 sensors and 2500 dimmer switches monitor and control a total of 16,000 dimmable luminaires in this hospital of the future. The dimming levels of the luminaires are adjusted according to the current light profile and available daylight – for economical and sustainable light metering. Each individual luminaire is connected to the building management system via the lighting control system. In addition, the hospital’s facility management system can specifically monitor and control the energy consumption.
DiiA, Zhaga, Thread, CSA, Bluetooth, TALQ, IPC


申报单位名称(英文):Tridonic Shanghai Co., Ltd.




