

健康照明工程设计 Health Lighting Project Designs

发布时间:2024/3/13 15:37:22

参赛组别:职业组 Occupational group


申报项目名称(英文):Flood and interior lighting design of the new campus of NYU Shanghai


项目实施状态:已竣工 Completed



项目位于前滩45-01地块。东至前茂路、南至春眺路、西至杨四西路、北至高青西路。项目北面、西面地块为住宅、办公,东面为办公及消防站,南门为绿地及中环线。建筑的功能分区与建筑的体量相呼应。西南角功能为艺术与表演。南立面为配套设施,演奏厅及黑箱剧场,北面及东面教学功能居多,打造多元文化的融合。建筑设计由KPF建筑事务所设计,设计理念注重创新、可持续性和城市整合,而泛光照明以简洁独特的手法展现了建筑大气时尚的立面特色,室内照明以谦逊的设计理念表达大学包容开拓的风气。照明通过把控色调的和谐度、明暗对比度、显色舒适度,以及一个高匹配度的控制系统,结合功能需要给学生提供放松、温馨、舒适的光环境,塑造舒适宜人的学习气氛。 The project is located in Qiantan lot 45-01. Qianmao Road in the east, Chunjian Road in the south, Yang West Road in the west, and Gaoqing West Road in the north. The north and west plots of the project are residential and office, the east is office and fire station, and the south gate is green space and middle loop. The functional partition of the building echoes the volume of the building. The southwest corner functions for art and performance. The south facade is supporting facilities, concert hall and black box theater, and the north and east teaching functions to create a fusion of multicultural. The architectural design is designed by KPF Architecture. The design concept focuses on innovation, sustainability and urban integration. Flood lighting shows the facade features of the building in simple and unique ways, and indoor lighting expresses the inclusive and pioneering atmosphere of the university with advanced and professional design concept.Lighting through the control of color harmony, light and shade contrast, color display comfort, as well as a high matching degree of control system, combined with the function needs to provide students with a relaxed, warm, comfortable light environment, to create a comfortable and pleasant learning atmosphere.
In the selection of indoor lighting products, high light efficiency, light and color consistency, accurate light distribution, anti-glare, anti-blue light hazards and other indicators are mainly considered. Thus, on the basis of meeting the functional needs, bring better visual comfort, make people in a pleasant and pleasant light environment space, let the light bring users a better experience, so as to achieve a better match between body and mind and environmental space, improve students' learning efficiency, and reduce fatigue. Anti-blue light lamps, UGR <16, to ensure indoor glare control, protect vision, and improve human rhythm lighting.
In the selection of outdoor lighting products, the large window frame lighting selects customized high light effect window frame lamp. One lamp lights a window frame, and the effect is uniform, comfortable, simple and efficient. At the same time, it maximizes energy saving, reduces light loss, and realizes the optimal light effect.
At the same time, intelligent lighting control system is adopted in the control, which can adjust the scene and brightness, which can not only meet the lighting needs of different application scenarios, but also can use lighting products efficiently to realize the needs of energy saving and environmental protection.
1. The building flood light feels the image of the building light at night from a human perspective, and comprehensively controls the brightness, uniformity, glare and color temperature to realize the quality sense of the building at night light. Let the building become an urban symbiosis with both "inclusive" and "vitality", and use light to create an organism with nature, architecture and city, fresh growth, diversity, full of spirituality, vitality and charm.
2. Introduce natural light into the room blurs the boundary of indoor and outdoor scenery and increases the permeability of the space. The concept of indoor lighting starts from the perspective of humanistic lighting, considering the comfort and healthy lighting in the space. Create an entirely intelligent scene mode in the teaching space, respond to various teaching needs, and improve the teaching atmosphere and learning enthusiasm. The classroom space is set up with an automatic induction system, which automatically turns off all the lighting for 30 seconds after leaving the classroom, saving energy consumption and labor costs. Indoor lighting effective lighting energy saving control, the selection of high light efficiency lamps, in meeting the spatial illumination while reducing the spatial power density value, effectively achieve the purpose of green and low carbon.
3, the overall lighting design to achieve the automation of energy management, reduce waste, intelligent lighting energy saving control system can use the means of distributed network, intelligent control of lighting switch and brightness, to avoid serious waste of resources.
上海建筑设计研究院有限公司(隶属于华建集团,原名上海市民用建筑设计院)成立于 1953年,是一家具有工程咨询、建筑工程设计、城市规划、建筑智能化及系统工程设计资质的综合性建筑设计院,也是中国乃至世界最具规模的设计公司之一, 被评为建筑设计行业“高新技术企业”,通过国际ISO9001质量保证体系认证,在国内外享有较高的知名度。累计完成 2万多项工程的设计和咨询,作品遍及全国 31个省市自治区及全球 20余个国家和地区,其中700多项工程设计、科研项目、规范标准获国家、建设部以及上海市优秀设计和科技进步奖。70年的积淀与发展将上海院的历史与国 家、城市发展的各个时期紧紧联系在一起,在新中国建设史上留下了一页页骄人篇章。 华建集团上海建筑设计研究院有限公司是全国最早开展专项照明设计与咨询的单位,从上世纪80年代的上海外滩万博建筑群的泛光照明工程及曾经作为APEC会议主会场的上海科技馆泛光照明设计到黄浦江、苏州河两岸景观照明设计,已经有30多年的历史,完成了城市规划照明,建筑照明,室内照明,景观照明,文旅照明、互动照明、EPC总承包等近百个城市地标性项目和工程,以设计、咨询、管理为主要服务工作模式,围绕着项目全面服务范围及全过程周期开展设计服务,坚持致力于营造舒适视觉心理的照明空间和氛围, 赢得了一致好评。且在行业内参与十三五、十四五课题研究,多次参编和发表论文,为上海市十三五到十四五期间重要的战略发展夜景设计贡献力量。


