

道路照明产品 Road Lighting Product

发布时间:2024/1/18 15:42:03


申报项目名称(英文):TS26 Linear Tunnel Lighting Fixtures


申报单位名称(英文):Hangzhou Hpwinner Lighting Equipments Co., Ltd



TS26线性隧道照明灯具综合介绍 1、 光源采用防硫化灯珠,提升产品在隧道场景的环境耐受性和光通维持率 2、 最外层为钢化玻璃,便于清洗维护,且可通过IK07级别的冲击测试,防止飞沙等异物撞击。 3、 无缝连续灯带效果时拼接安装,自带公母头卡扣结构来辅助对准线条,简易实用。 4、 侧面采用新型工程材料压铸而成,配合密封工艺实现腔体IP65的腔体防护。 TS26 Linear Tunnel Lighting Fixtures General Introduction: The light source is designed with anti-sulphuration LEDs, which enhances the product's environmental resistance and luminous flux maintenance rate in tunnel conditions. Tempered glass in the outermost layer is easy cleaning and maintenance, can pass the IK07 level impact test and prevent the impact of flying sand and other foreign objects. Splice and install when there is a seamless continuous strip effect, using male and female connector snap structures to assist in aligning the lines, making it simple and practical. The side is made of new engineering material and is die-cast, with sealing process to achieve IP65 level of cavity protection.
1、 灯具长度1.2米,最大功率120W。
2、 色温3000/4000/5000/5700K。
3、 Ra70。
4、 灯具安装角度可调 ,调节范围±60°。
5、 钢化玻璃外层,朗伯型雾化效果。
1、 Lamp length 1.2 metres, max wattage 120W.
2、 CCT 3000/4000/5000/5700K.
3、 Ra70.
4、 Lighting Fixtures’ installation angle adjustable, adjustment range ± 60 °.
5、 Toughened glass outer shell, achieving Lambert type diffusion effect.
1、 Professional anti-sulphurisation design, pre-treatment for toxic gas build-up in tunnels to ensure HPWINNER products’ long-term reliable operation.
2、 Designed with gentle light technology, significantly reducing product glare and enhancing tunnel driving safety.
Passed Sulphurisation test over 1000H, known to be the first product in the industry to undergo long-term Sulphation test, which is conducive to supporting the HPWINNER product to continue lighting up in tunnel environments for a long period of time.
HPWINNER has totally shipped over 20,000 lamps to projects in China.
华普永明研发生产的LED隧道灯产品,对产品的能效寿命、防护等级、IK 等级、检测方法和标准、技术参数、标志、包装、运输和贮存、质量承诺等都有明确的规范和要求,经业主方使用后,认为该LED 路灯光效高、防护等级高、寿命长 、节能环保、且散热性能优良,同时大大降低了我司在安装和现场维护方面的成本,且华普永明公司响应速度快,交货周期短,售后服务周到,是可信赖的长期合作伙伴。
The HPWINNER LED tunnel light products have clear specifications and requirements for energy efficiency life, protection level, IK level, testing methods and standards, technical parameters, marking, packaging, transport and storage, and quality commitment. After being used by the owner's party, the TS26 Linear Tunnel Lighting Fixtures are considered to have high luminous efficacy, high protection level, long life, energy saving and environmental protection, and excellent heat dissipation performance, thus significantly succeed in reducing our costs for installation and on-site maintenance. With fast response, short delivery cycle and considerate after-sales service, HPWINNER is your reliable long-term partner.
1、 实用新型专利证书,专利号:ZL202220816119.6
2、 外观设计专利证书,专利号:ZL202230198491.0
1、 TS26C CQC认证,证书编号:CQC21010289004
2、 TS26C 灯具防腐性能检测,证书编号: 33123TX0110
1、 Utility model patent certificate: No.ZL202220816119.6
2、 Design patent certificate: No.ZL202230198491.0

QC reports and technical evaluations:
1、 TS26C CQC certification: No.CQC21010289004
2、 TS26C Anti-corrosion performance testing certification: No.33123TX0110


使用回路控制、单灯控制等隧道常见控制方案,能适配市面绝大多数控制器。 Using loop control, single-lamp control and other common tunnel control schemes, being adapted to most of the controllers on the market.


杭州华普永明光电股份有限公司致力于为全球户外专业照明领域搭建完善的、批量化的定制服务体系,拥有国际领先的节能照明技术,可针对全球户外专业照明领域的海量场景进行一对一量身定制,是LED照明行业极少数可以提供大规模定制化服务的生产制造企业。 公司成立于2011年7月,创始人陈凯系中组部国家“万人计划”领军人才,科技部科技创新创业人才,浙江省人大代表,LED行业专家。公司自成立以来发展迅猛,年出货大功率LED灯具200多万套,产品远销全球100多个国家及地区,据海关数据统计,LED路灯出口量仅次于飞利浦居第二位。公司已荣获工信部专精特新“小巨人”企业、第一批重点推荐国家级专精特新“小巨人”企业、国家高新技术企业、浙江省隐形冠军、浙江省高新技术企业研究开发中心、浙江企业技术中心、浙江省省级企业研究院、浙江省信用管理示范企业、浙江省名牌产品、浙江省知名商号、浙江省商标品牌示范企业、浙江省标准创新贡献奖等荣誉称号。2018年3月,公司智慧工厂建成投产,依托自主开发的工业4.0平台,应用AI算法技术,通过云端数据打通工程现场、产品配置方案、订单数据、计划排产、制造现场、供应链、产品交付等环节,整合产业链,具备从产品设计到灯具组装产业链优势,可为客户提供“精准定制、高效交付”的产品和服务。 华普永明始终坚持技术创新,截止到2023年11月,公司已获得专利623项,其中发明专利61项;参与140余项国家标准、团体标准、行业标准、地方标准等的制定,是业内公认的领导企业、行业新技术的发明者、国家标准和行业团体标准的主导制定者。 Hangzhou HPWINNER Opto Corporation is committed to building a fully functional customization system for global outdoor lighting industry. With advanced energy-saving lighting technology, it could tailor individualized solutions for an enormous variety of different outdoor lighting conditions. It is one of the very few manufacturing enterprises that provides mass customization services. HPWINNER was established in July, 2011. The founder, Mr. Chen Kai, is listed as a Leading Technologist of the National “Ten Thousand Talents Program”, a Scientific and Technological Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents by the government, a member of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Congress, and an expert in LED industry. Since its establishment, HPWINNER has been rapidly developing its business all over the world. It was titled as National High-tech Enterprise in 2014, and was successively awarded as “Zhejiang Enterprise Technology Center”, “Zhejiang Provincial Enterprise Research Institute”, “The Hidden Champions of Zhejiang”, “Excellent Contribution Awards on Zhejiang Standards Innovation”, “Award of Little Giant Companies with Professionalism, Meticulousness, Distinctiveness and Novelty by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology” and other honors. In March, 2018, its smart manufacturing base went into operation. Based on its self-developed platform Industry 4.0 with AI algorithm, segments of application sites, product solutions, order information, planning & scheduling, production lines, supply chain, and delivery are all connected through the data base on cloud, so that HPWINNER is enabled to enjoy advantages in the integration of industrial chain from designing to luminaire assembly, and to share with customers through products and services with precise customization and rapid delivery. The company owns 623 patents, including61inventions. It participated in drafting of over 140 different national, social organizational, industrial, and local standards. It is widely acknowledged as a leading enterprise in the industry, an active inventor of new techniques, and a dominant formulator of national and association standards.

