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发布时间:2022/3/19 13:43:21






雷特科技作为全球领先的智能照明解决方案制造商,具有深厚的历史和卓越的创新能力,早在LED灯具发展初期,将DMX技术引入国内LED行业,率先研发生产出中国第一款DMX512解码驱动器,成功实现舞台灯光DMX512协议与LED灯具完美结合,引领推动了DMX技术于国内的发展与壮大。 As the world's leading manufacturer of intelligent lighting solutions, LTECH has excellent innovation capabilities. In the early stage of LED lighting development, LTECH introduced DMX technology into the domestic LED industry, and took the lead in developing and producing China's first DMX512 decoder driver. LTECH successfully combined DMX512 protocol and LED lamps used in the stage lighting, promoting the growth and development of DMX technology in China. 2018年雷特革命性的T-PWM超深度调光技术发明,解决了行业以往CCR模拟、PWM、CCR+PWM几种常见调光技术的痛点,并向业界提出从闪(无闪)、细(柔细)、精(精准)、深(深度)四大专业调光选择标准定义调光新标准。雷特T-PWM超深度调光技术是基于PWM调光方式深度优化的新技术,其调光深度可达0.01%,T-PWM超深度调光技术是一种变频调光曲线算法,可自适应手机、相机等拍摄设备不同帧速与光圈、焦距等设置,可以同时解决人眼对调光舒适度、拍摄的无频闪、频闪测试仪的检验等要求。 In 2018, LTECH pioneered the revolutionary T-PWM super depth dimming technology. It has solved the shortcomings of several common dimming technologies in the industry, including CCR simulation, PWM, and CCR+PWM. Moreover, we defined the industry’s dimming standards with four new standards, which are flicker-free, smooth, precise and depth dimming. LTECH’s T-PWM super depth dimming technology is refined by the PWM dimming, which can dim lights down to 0.01%. LTECH is also the first enterprise in China to implement the dimming range down to 0.01% for DALI drivers. T-PWM super deep dimming technology is the dimming curve algorithm that combines frequency conversion. According to different frame rates, aperture, focal length on your phones or cameras, the dimming technology can still meet the requirements of delivering lighting that’s flicker-free and enhances your visual comfort, and also passes the stroboscopic test. 雷特不仅仅是做智能照明设备,而是在构建可集成操作和场景化交互的生态结构,让用户享受到全方位的智能服务。雷特研发的全宅智能控制系统从“人本照明”理念出发,以智能照明控制为核心,通过物联网技术、人工智能技术、网络通信技术等技术,结合智能网关、智能家电、AI语音、音乐系统等智能设备多维度构建未来智慧生活方式,提供智能照明为核心的智能家居系统,实现便捷、舒适、健康、安全的家庭人居环境。 LTECH not only develops intelligent lighting devices, but also builds an ecological structure that can integrate operations and scene-based interaction, so that users can enjoy a full range of intelligent services. LTECH whole house smart control system is smart lighting-based. Through the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, network communication technology and other technologies, it integrates smart gateways, smart home appliances, AI speakers and other smart devices to function better together to build a smart lifestyle by multiple interaction modes. It aims at creating a convenient, comfortable, healthy and safe living environment.
雷特科技(股票代码:832110),自2003年创立,衍生推动了中国LED照明智能控制领域的全新篇章,19年来一直走在中国LED照明控制技术前沿,是中国十大智能照明品牌,也是全球LED照明控制系统实力厂商之一。目前已拟申请公开发行股票并在北交所上市。 Zhuhai LTECH Technology Co., LTD. (Stock Code: 832110), founded in 2003, has greatly promoted the development of the field of intelligent LED lighting control in China. Over 20 years, LTECH has been at the forefront of LED lighting control technology in China. It is one of the leading manufacturers of LED lighting control systems in the world. 经典案例:Classic project cases 北京冬奥村运动员公寓 Athlete’s Apartments at the Beijing Winter Olympic Village 冬奥会开幕式 The Beijing Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony 华为全球最大旗舰店 Huawei’s Largest Global Flagship Store 台北保时捷中心 Porsche Center Taipei 中国国际进口博览会China?International?Import Expo 北京大兴国际机场Beijing Daxing International Airport 九棵树(上海)未来艺术中心Nine Trees (Shanghai) Future Art?Center 湖南省博物馆Hunan?Provincial Museum 北京华润未来城智慧展厅Smart Showroom of Beijing CR Future City 成都蔚来汽车Chengdu NextEV Car 英国罗丁公园酒店Rudding Park Hotel (UK) 澳门摩珀斯酒店Macao Morpeth Hotel 上海外滩W酒店Shanghai Bund W?Hotel 盒马鲜生UFULL Supermarket Smartass运动俱乐部 Smartass Sports Club 历年获得荣誉及奖项:Honors and awards received over the years: 广东省“专精特新”中小企业A Guangdong Superior Small and Medium-sized Enterprise in Terms of Professionalism, Specialization and Innovation 2021年度中国照明灯饰行业十大新锐智能照明品牌 Top 10 Intelligent Lighting Brand Awards of China Lighting Industry 2021 国家高新技术企业National High-tech Enterprises 知识产权优势企业Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise 省级LED智能照明控制器技术研究中心Provincial LED Intelligent Lighting Controller Technology Research Center 广东省名牌产品The Famous Brand in Guangdong Province 行业十大配件品牌奖 Industry Top 10 Accessories Brands 智能照明产品跨界成果奖 Intelligent Lighting Product Cross-Industry Award 十大智能照明品牌奖(2018-2020)Top 10 Smart Lighting Brand Awards (2018-2020) 跨界优秀企业奖 Cross-Industry Outstanding Enterprise Award “智光杯”会长提名奖(2019)“The Chairman’s Nomination Award(2019)” 阿拉丁神灯奖优秀技术奖(2016-2019)Alighting Award “ Technology Excellence Awards” (2016-2019) 阿拉丁神灯奖“十大技术奖”(2018)2018 Alighting Award“Top Ten Technology Awards” 最具投资价值新三板企业奖 NEEQ-listed Enterprise with the Most Investment Value 新三板百强榜 NEEQ Top 100 Innovators
作为中国LED照明智能控制领域的开创者,雷特科技始终坚持以科技创新为核心,在智能照明领域不断推陈出新,自主发明LED智能控制新技术,拥有完整的AI+IoT+Cloud+Actuator核心竞争力,先后开发了“LED照明控制系统 ”、“智能驱动器”和“智能家居”三大硬件产品线,满足照明企业、商业空间与家居场景的智能化需求。 As a pioneer of the field of intelligent lighting in China, LTECH always insists on taking scientific and technological innovation as the core and constantly brings new technology into the field of intelligent lighting, which has already created new intelligent LED lighting control technology. With possessing the core competencies of AI+IoT+Cloud+Actuator, LTECH developed three hardware product lines-"LED Lighting Control System", " Intelligent LED Driver" and "Smart Home", meeting the needs of smart scenes for lighting enterprises, commercial space and residential homes.
国家高新技术企业 National High-tech Enterprise
知识产权优势企业 Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise
广东省“专精特新”中小企业 A Guangdong Superior Small and Medium-sized Enterprise in Terms of Professionalism, Specialization and Innovation
广东省知识产权示范企业 Guangdong Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise
广东省LED智能照明控制器工程技术研究中心 Provincial LED Intelligent Lighting Controller Technology Research Center
广东省名牌产品 The Famous Brand in Guangdong Province
珠海市重点企业技术中心 Zhuhai Key Enterprise Technology Center
DALI联盟全权会员单位 A Regular Member of the DALI Alliance,
DALI联盟中国焦点组(DALI-CFG)成员 A Member of the DALI Alliance China Focus Group (DALI-CFG).
中国照明学会成员 A Member of the China Illuminating Engineering Society
中国照明电器协会会员 A Member of the China Association of Lighting Industry
中国智能家居产业联盟会员单位 A Member of China Smart Home Industry Alliance (CSHIA)
LED行业十大示范工程 Top Ten Demonstration Projects in LED Industry
阿拉丁神灯奖优秀技术奖 Alighting Award “ Technology Excellence Awards”
行业十大配件品牌奖 Industry Top 10 Accessories Brands
智能照明产品跨界成果奖 Intelligent Lighting Product Cross-Industry Award
十大智能照明品牌奖(2018-2020)Top 10 Smart Lighting Brand Awards (2018-2020)
跨界优秀企业奖 Cross-Industry Outstanding Enterprise Award
“智光杯”会长提名奖(2019)“The Chairman’s Nomination Award(2019)”
最具投资价值新三板企业奖 NEEQ-listed Enterprise with the Most Investment Value
新三板百强榜 NEEQ Top 100 Innovators
案例一:北京大兴机场 Case 1: Beijing Daxing International Airport 800亿投资,1亿人次年客流吞吐量的北京大兴机场为了建设更有序的候机环境和更多彩的机场面貌,在挑选相关电源或控制器产品,必须注意使用电子产品拍照或摄影时不能出现纹波现象。雷特全线产品均达到无频闪高频豁免级别,北京大兴机场灯箱建设项目采用雷特的智能调光控制器,点亮了机场内成百上千个定制化灯箱,营造了健康舒适的光环境。 With an investment of 80 billion and an annual passenger flow volume of 100 million people, in order to build an orderly waiting environment and more colorful airport appearance in Beijing Daxing Airport, it is necessary to pay attention to the selection of LED drivers and controllers, so no flicker will appear when taking photos with electronic products. All products from LTECH can deliver flicker-free lighting that reach the high frequency exemption level. LTECH intelligent LED dimmable controllers are used in the light boxes of Beijing Daxing International Airport, lighting up hundreds of customized light boxes in the airport to create a healthy and comfortable lighting environment. 链接 Link:http://www.ltech.cn/html/News/daxin-Airport.html 案例2:上海进博会 Case 2: China International Import Expo in Shanghai 中国国际进口博览会是迄今为止世界上第一个以进口为主题的国家级展会,是国际贸易发展史上一大创举。场馆整体结合屋面的建筑肌理用灯光塑造四叶草的“芯”、“脉”、“形”,并通过智能照明控制展现不同主题。节气柱柱顶盛开绽放的四叶草,为了更好地呈现出控制不同灯光变换的效果,使用雷特DMX解码器调控,同时搭配雷特LED恒压功率扩大器,可接受PWM控制,每增加一个功率扩大器就可以多连接1倍或3倍LED灯数量,轻松解决每个节气柱10752W的大功率问题。让来宾行走在四叶草外围,感受到“彩纱”移步换景的视觉效果,体验到四季交错的景象。 China International Import Expo is the world's first national exhibition with importation theme, and it’s a major achievement in the history of international trade. Lighting is used to shape the "core", "pulse" and "shape" of four-leaf clover, and different themes are displayed through intelligent lighting control. The four-leaf clover blossoms in full bloom at the top of the column section, in order to better present the control effect of different light transformation, using LTECH DMX decoder with LTECH LED constant voltage power amplifier, adapt to PWM control, each power amplifier added can connect 1 or 3 times more number of leds, easily solve the problem of each section of the air column in 10752W high power. Let the guests walk in the periphery of the four-leaf clover, feel the visual effect of "colored yarn" moving to change the scene, and experience the scene of staggered four seasons. 链接 Link:http://www.ltech.cn/html/News/jbh.html 案例3:冬奥村&冬奥会开幕式 Case 3: Winter Olympic Village & Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony 雷特科技参与了2022北京冬奥会灯光工程。在冬奥会升旗仪式台与演播室,雷特DMX512解码器通过精准控制,轻松解决了频闪、眩光等问题,成功在冬奥会开幕式现场呈现出符合时宜的亮度与色彩,为镜头前的观众呈现更精彩的现场报道。 LTECH participated in the lighting project of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. At the flag-raising platform and studio at the Winter Olympics, by applying LTECH DMX512 decoders, the problems of flickering and glaring light can be easily solved to create a more comfortable lighting environment for the media teams, and give the audience a more wonderful live presentation. 链接 Link:http://www.ltech.cn/html/About/Project-Cases/olympics.html 北京冬奥村居住区共有20栋公寓楼,冬奥会期间,有18栋公寓楼投入使用,提供2234间客房,为运动员营造舒适的居住环境。本次投用住宅均使用雷特智能调光驱动器,制定灯光解决方案,完成对全屋灯光的智能化控制,实现灯光亮度和渐变的无级调节,打造符合人体需求的节律照明。 The Beijing Winter Olympic Village has 20 apartment buildings, 18 of which are used during the Winter Olympic Games, with 2234 guest rooms. LTECH intelligent LED drivers were used to control all lights in guest rooms. Lights brighten gradually and smoothly to create circadian lighting that supports human health by minimizing the effect of electric light on the human circadian rhythm. 链接 Link:http://www.ltech.cn/html/About/Project-Cases/olympics.html 案例4:央视春晚桂林分会场 Case 4: CCTV Spring Festival Gala Evening Lighting Project of Guilin Parallel Session 春晚是中国规模最大、最受关注、收视率最高、影响力最大的综艺性晚会,2017春节联欢晚会桂林分会场灯光工程采用了雷特DMX解码器、功率扩展器、DMX信号放大器。雷特LED控制器为春晚桂林分会场实现了不同的灯光变幻效果。 The Spring Festival Gala is China's largest, highest rated and most influential variety show in China. The lighting project of 2017 Spring Festival Gala Evening at Guilin session used our LTECH DMX512 decoders, power repeaters and signal amplifiers. The LTECH products offered different lighting effects at the Guilin session. 链接:http://www.ltech.cn/html/News/chuanwan-2017.html 案例5:北京环球影城 Case 5: The Universal Beijing Resort 投资500亿、筹备20年的北京环球影城是中国第一个环球影城项目,也是迄今为止面积最大的环球影城项目。北京环球影城不仅游乐项目精彩刺激,其美式复古风的夜景也更是美轮美奂,令人惊叹!在北京环球影城的建设中,大量使用了雷特各类灯光控制设备,其精湛出色的LED控制设备配合全球顶尖的创新灯光技术,将极富动感魔幻色彩的环球影城表现得淋漓尽致,为游客们呈现出一场过目难忘的豪华光色盛宴。 With a total investment of over 50 billion yuan and 20 years of preparation, The Universal Beijing Resort is the first Universal Studios theme park in China. It is full of excitement, fun, adventures, as well as beautiful night views. During the construction of The Universal Beijing Resort, a wide range of LTECH lighting control devices have been used. Through the use of quality LED control devices and the world’s leading, innovative lighting technology, the dynamic and magical Universal Studios Theme Park has been fully demonstrated, delivering an unforgettable experience of color and light. 链接 Link:http://www.ltech.cn/html/About/Project-Cases/Universal_Studios.html 案例6:华为全球最大旗舰店 Case: HUAWEI’s Largest Global Flagship Store in Shanghai 华为全球最大旗舰店(上海)-华为迄今为止全球最大的旗舰店,拥有近5000㎡的营业空间。店面从人本概念设计出发,强调用心选材,从选址到软装再到各个细节部分都极为苛刻,凭高要求严标准为大家打造了健康环保的生活标准。 With the total commercial space of nearly 5,000㎡, it is Huawei’s largest global flagship store so far. Based on the concept of people-oriented design, the store valued the careful selection of materials, from site selection to soft decoration to every detail. It has created a healthy and user-friendly environment for everyone with high requirements and strict standards. 在此次项目中,雷特为华为全球最大旗舰店(上海)量身定制DALI DT8色温电源。此款色温电源配合店内大面积使用的软膜天花灯,让灯光在悄然中变化,从而保证店内全天的视觉柔和舒适,为顾客打造贴近自然的人本照明环境。 In this project, LTECH customized DALI DT8 tunable white LED drivers for Huawei's largest global flagship store in Shanghai. The drivers work with a large area of ceiling lamps with lighting films in the store. Light changes quietly, so as to ensure the comfort of your vision in the store throughout the day, and create a human-oriented natural lighting environment for customers. 链接 Link:http://www.ltech.cn/html/News/huawei-2020.html
