申报项目名称(英文):FONDA TECH FondaCity AIoT Smart City Platform
申报单位名称(英文):Zhejiang Fonda Technology Co., Ltd.
综合介绍或申报理由: FondaCity AIoT智慧城市物联网平台通过“1+3”模式,即一个智慧城市物联网平台(FondaCity AIoT)+三大应用(智慧照明、智慧灯杆、景观亮化),形成一个平台三大应用的闭环良性系统,涉及“智慧照明、智慧灯杆、景观亮化”三大领域。在深入分析智慧照明和智慧灯杆的应用场景前提下,通过先进的传感和通信技术,将各物联网设备连成一张无形的“万物之网”,联动交通、警务、市政等政府管理系统,云网端+软硬件一体化,构建智慧城市应用闭环,提供多种大数据。在实际应用中,可以为项目前期施工做准备,为控制运营做保障,为日常管理数据做支撑,多维管控,为“物联网控制+数据信息化管理”提供大平台。将城市的各个系统和服务打通、集成,节能减排的同时,提升资源运用的效率、优化城市管理和服务、改善市民生活质量,多方位各大场景全应用。平台历经四次迭代,全方位升级,具有可视化大屏,GIS定位,app手机协同操作等5大基础保障、6大技术优势和9大管理系统,通过传输层、设备层与终端交互,聚焦智慧城市AIoT,形成万物互联为智慧城市赋能!
The FondaCity AIoT smart city IoT platform is built on the "1+3" model, which consists of one smart city IoT platform (FondaCity AIoT)with three applications (smart lighting, smart pole, and facade lighting). This creates a closed-loop benign system with three applications on one platform, involving "Smart lighting, smart poles, and landscape lighting" as its three main areas. The IoT devices are connected into an invisible "web of everything," linking traffic, police, municipalities, and other government management systems, cloud, network, and hardware integration, building a closed loop of smart city applications, and providing a variety of big data, under the premise of in-depth analysis of the application scenarios of smart lighting and smart poles. When used practically, it may ensure operation control, support daily management data, support multi-dimensional control, and provide a significant platform for "Internet of things control + data information management." With the full implementation of all major scenarios in multiple directions, the platform will open up and integrate various systems and services in the city, saving energy and reducing emissions while also enhancing resource efficiency, optimizing urban management and services, and improving the quality of life for citizens. The platform has undergone four iterations and has been enhanced in every way. It’s now features five fundamental assurances, six technical benefits, and nine management systems, including large-screen visualization, GIS placement, mobile phone app collaborative operation, among other things. By focusing on smart city AIoT and creating the Internet of Everything through the transmission layer, equipment layer, and terminal interaction, we can empower the smart city.