
智奥 大功率薄膜太阳能路灯——2021神灯奖最佳产品奖

道路和隧道照明产品 Road and tunnel lighting products

发布时间:2021/6/3 10:32:24

申报项目名称(中文):智奥 大功率薄膜太阳能路灯

申报项目名称(英文):High Power Solar Street light


申报单位名称(英文):shan dong zhi ao the new energy co.,ltd



新型薄膜太阳能路灯颠覆了传统太阳能路灯结构、工艺及造型,我司生产的薄膜太阳能路灯居于世界领先水平,是国内外大功率太阳能灯的领航者,同时也是太阳能路灯标准制定者之一。新型薄膜太阳能路灯无需支架安装太阳能板,从根本上解决了外置太阳能板抗风阻的难题,大大增强了太阳能路灯的安全性,其次薄膜太阳能的安装方式解决了传统太阳能板的积尘土,雪,鸟粪等问题,发电效率也大大增强。 The new thin film Solar Street light has overthrown the traditional structure, technology and modeling of the Solar Street Light. The thin film Solar Street light produced by our company is in the leading position in the world and a leader in high-power solar lamps both at home and abroad, solar Street light is also one of the standard setters. The new thin film Solar Street Light, which does not require a bracket to install solar panels, fundamentally solves the problem of wind resistance of external solar panels and greatly enhances the safety of the Solar Street light, second, the installation of thin-film solar energy to solve the traditional solar panels of dust, snow, Guano and other problems, power generation efficiency is greatly enhanced.
The new thin film Solar Street light overturns the traditional solar street light structure, technology and modeling. Installing solar panels without brackets solves the problem of wind resistance, dust, snow, bird droppings and other problems of traditional solar panels, the efficiency of electricity generation has also been greatly enhanced.
1.The thin film solar module and the Lamp Pole are integrated to avoid the large area solar module plane layout.
2.Adopt the thin film solar aluminum cylinder standardized module design, the size standard is unified;
3. The intermeshing structure between the standardized module of thin film solar aluminum cylinder and the sleeve collar is socket type.
我国每年照明耗能占整个电力消耗的20%左右。因此,使用太阳能路灯,降低照明用电量成为节省能源的重要途径。国家正在进行能源结构调整,太阳能等清洁能源的使用比重将占总量的百分之60以上,受“绿色照明工 程”的推动,近些年我国太阳能路灯市场一直保持持续增长,随着国内节能环保意识的不断加强,国内太阳能路灯行业安装量不断增长,2010年国内太阳能路灯安装量约为73.5万盏,到2018年安装量达到497.2万盏。从市场规模来看,2011年中国照明行业总产值3500亿元,其中太阳能路灯总产值12.95亿元;到2018年中国照明行业总产值达6000亿元,太阳能路灯产值达到52.73亿元,超过2011年产值的4倍。
Lighting Energy consumption acs for about 20% of the total power consumption in China every year. Therefore, the use of solar street light, reduce lighting power consumption has become an important way to save energy. The ry is adjusting its energy structure, and the share of clean energy such as solar energy will ac for more than 60 percent of the total. Driven by the "Green Lighting Project" , Chinas solar street light market has been growing continuously in recent years, with the increasing awareness of energy conservation and environmental protection in China, the installation amount of the solar street light industry in China has been increasing. In 2010, the installation amount of the solar street light was about 735,000 units, and by 2018, the installation amount had reached 4.972 million units. In terms of market size, the total output value of Chinas lighting industry in 2011 was 350 billion yuan, of which the total output value of the Solar Street light industry was 1.295 billion yuan; by 2018, the total output value of Chinas lighting industry was 600 billion yuan, and that of the solar street light industry was 5.273 billion yuan, more than four times 2011 output. In terms of the size of the market and the number of lamps and lanterns installed, solar street light has been developing rapidly in the past few years and its scale has been increasing continuously. It is estimated that the market size of the solar street light industry will reach 8.085 billion yuan by 2022.
山东智奥新能源有限公司(以下简称本公司或公司),于2016年7月08日经烟台市莱山区市场监督管理局批准正式成立。本公司是一家从事太阳能一体化灯具设计、研发及开发、生产、销售为一体的综合性技术生产企业。 公司规模化生产,专业化分组。生产中心面积4500平方米,生产中心拥有研发用的计算机数十台套,采用先进的三维设计软件,合理优化了生产设计手段以后,大幅度提高了生产的效益和产品质量。 生产中心建立光学实验室、检测中心,共占地面积800平方米。近几年来公司投资配备了先进的试验检验等科研仪器,操作人员全部培训持证上岗,技术能力能够充分满足计量检测及研发工作的需要,为企业自主创新、新产品研发等科研工作提供了有利的技术支撑。 ? ? ? 坚持创新是企业的核心竞争力是智奥发展壮大的源动力。自成立以来,公司不断地对产品进行优化,融入先进的科技元素,提高产品的市场竞争力。通过派遣设计人员到项目工程进行实地考察以及邀请相关专家进行指导,智奥的产品风格很好的满足了各地文化的需求,外形独特,照明效果好,质量有保证。通过与客户的交流以及售后服务意见的反馈,公司对自身产品以及生产工艺不断地进行改进更新,以把智奥路灯打造成世界一流的照明品牌为目标。本公司对产品类型进行不断地丰富,通过不断的研发试验,公司发出了多款的节能产品,例如太阳能增量型交通灯,远程高效监控式庭院景观灯、长寿命高效节能式太阳能光伏灯具等,这些产品都融入了先进的科技元素,质量高,性能稳定,很好的适应了时代发展的需要。 ? ? ?本公司以产品质量是企业的第一竞争力为信念,对产品生产流程和生产工艺进行严格的控制和管理,引进先进的管理理念和生产设备,对员工进行职业培训,保证出厂的产品外观和质量都无与伦比。本着“质量第一,诚信经营”的理念,公司的产品受到了各级客户包括各级政府单位,房地产开发商,园林公司的一致好评,产品广泛地应用于市政工程,房地产开发区,园林景观,休闲场所的地方,为社会群众创造了一个优美的环境。公司每款产品造型美观大方,风格各异,设计独特。每套产品凭着自身的特点,除了在国内受到热烈的欢饮以外,还远销到世界各地,正朝着“走向世界”的企业目标而发展。 ? ? ?智奥注重“以人为本”的管理理念,注重人才培养,致力于按照国际化企业标准进行管理,努力打造成为一个集合了团结向上,富有战斗力的管理团队,科研团队,生产团队,销售团队以及服务团队为一体的现代化企业。 ? ? ?立足现在,走向未来,本公司将本着“质量第一,诚信经营”的理念,不断地进行技术创新,提高企业的竞争力,携手大家走向美好未来。